Catálogo Hanna Instruments V31


Introduction to Turbidity

Treatment Process of Drinking Water

Organization indicates 5 NTU as the reference turbidity value of water for trade. This value has been established based on the aesthetic characteristics of water. From a hygienic point of view, 1 NTU is the recommended value. Many drinking water utilities strive to achieve levels as low as 0.1 NTU. Turbidity is an indicator and will not give results for a specific pollutant. It will, however, provide information on the degree of overall contamination. The flow chart for the water treatment process of drinking water shows the turbidity reference values for each phase. Typical sources of turbidity in drinking water include the following: • Waste discharge • Run-off fromwatersheds, especially those that are disturbed or eroding

Turbidity 12.4 | introduction

• Algae or aquatic weeds and products of their breakdown in water reservoirs, rivers, or lakes • Humic acids and other organic compounds resulting from decay of plants, leaves, etc. in water sources • High iron concentrations which give water a rust-red coloration (mainly in ground water and ground water under the direct influence of surface water) • Air bubbles and particles from the treatment process

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